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The Lewis and Clark Magic Program

An all-new school assembly program!
Geared especially for elementary schools!
Learn about the Lewis & Clark Expedition!
Lots of audience participation!
Lots of comedy, a little ventriloquism, and even some magic!
Suitable for any school setting!
Easy to arrange - just email or phone 440-937-5488!

This historical creation was only possible after countless hours of research in history. To commemorate the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the exploration of the Discovery Trail, Jim has written and crafted a special program all about their great trail of discovery. He studied books and journals written in the 1800s and examined many original artifacts from the period. Then Jim customed designed a Traveler's Trunk and numerous props befitting the period. In addition, Jim's wife has carefully researched and custom sewn accurate period clothing. Complete with a tricorn hat and brass buckle shoes, the outfit will beguile both students and teachers.


Jim's program explores how Lewis and Clark studied for their trip, the kinds of food and materials they assembled and the artifacts they took along. Students will learn about how the exploreers fared when food was scarce, what plants and animals they discovered along the way, and facts about Native Americans who helped. One student will help rouse enthusiasm by being a "Town Crier," and another will create a map using a quill and powdered ink. Students will get to see actual documents from the journey and sample pages from the original Lewis and Clark journals as they learn how important this trip became. Throughout, children will help share and assist in the program. It will be a fascinating look in to our country's pioneer era, highly appreciated by both adults and children.


Like all of Jim's shows, The Leiws and Clark Magic Program is a professionally scripted show, written with proper sequencing for high and low spots to provide children with lots of excitement but prevent them from becoming unruly. Children who are called on to assist are always rewarded and never embarrassed. Parents and librarians always comment on how wonderfully Jim handles children. In addition, Jim adds special humorous touches that just the adults will understand and enjoy. As always, Jim brings all of his own props and tables, has specially-tailored costuming and carries his own "anywhere" sound system. This is an act that can be performed in almost any location, large rooms or small. It can be adjusted to be suitable for groups of from 10 to 250. Jim's many years of experience assures you that your patrons will have the best of times with a minimum effort on your part.

Download a copy of the Teacher's Guide for this Program.


To arrange for a program, just click this card or phone Jim.

Email Jim Kleefeld

Jim Kleefeld
Magical Entertainer
33510 Jennie Road
Avon, Ohio 44011-2042
(440) 937-5488

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