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The Mystery of the Missing Books
It's a story! It's a play! It's a magic show!
Geared for grades K through 5!
Emphasis on books and reading!
The audience finds the clues and solves the mystery!
Lots of comedy and magical surprises!
Suitable for any setting or audience!
Easy to arrange - just email or phone 440-937-5488!
The Mystery of the Missing Books Show The Wacky Box

Jim has combined his vast experience in teaching, writing, and illustrating to create a very special program Crafted like a play, this program involves the audience in a series of hunts for clues to solve the mystery of missing library books. Jim invokes classic puzzles, original inventions and familliar literature to help the audience in their search. Fingerprints, optical illusions, vanishing and reappearing evidence all help make this 45-minute program fresh and exciting. This show is built around the central idea of using clues to solve a mystery, but because of Jim's emphasis on books and reading, it fits in well with almost any reading program.


Join Jim on this fantastic adventure. You'll REALLY enjoy Jim's crazy sidekick, a wild and exciting . . . well, let's just say that you won't believe what comes out of the wacky box drilled with holes and wrapped with barbed wire! As always, there is a lot of comedy and a lot of audience participation, and lots of special fun built in just for adults. Many times parents and teachers come expecting to merely watch the children being entertained, but leave commenting on how much they enjoyed Jim's humor themselves.


Download a copy of the Teacher's Guide for this Program.

About Jim Kleefeld's Programs

Like all of Jim's shows, each library program is a professionally scripted show, written with proper sequencing for high and low spots to provide children with lots of excitement but prevent them from becoming unruly. Children who are called on to assist are always rewarded and never embarrassed. Librarians always comment on how wonderfully Jim handles children. In addition, Jim adds special humorous touches that just the adults will understand and enjoy. Parents usually comment that they had as much fun as the kids.

Jim Kleefeld is a marvel! His twenty-plus years of experience provide you with the reassurance that each program will be fun, entertaining and magical. Every year he performs at schools and libraries all over Ohio with a new specially-themed program written just for them. One after another, Jim's routines will keep children and adults fascinated. As always, there is a lot of comedy and a lot of audience participation.

For every program, Jim brings all of his own props and tables, has specially-tailored costuming and carries his wireless "anywhere" sound system. This is an act that can be performed in almost any location, auditoriums, gymnasiums, meeting rooms large or small, even outdoors. It can be adjusted to be suitable for groups of from 10 to 250. Jim's fee is very reasonable, and he never charges extra for mileage, and gives a discount for multiple shows.


To arrange for a program, just click this card or phone Jim.

Email Jim Kleefeld

Jim Kleefeld
Magical Entertainer
33510 Jennie Road
Avon, Ohio 44011-2042
(440) 937-5488

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