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Ohio Spirits Show Page Document
Ohio Spirits

Great for Teens and Adults!
Stories of Real Haunted Ohio Homes & Places!
Exhibits of Ghostly Artifacts!
Interactive Audience Participation!
Spooky Events May Occur!
Suitable for Any Setting or Size of Audience!
One Hour Long & Self-Contained!
Easy to arrange - just email or phone 440-937-5488!

Ohio Spirits

Do you want a program that really appeals to Young Adults? Would you like to see more teens reading? Would you like to have them get excited about learning and investigation? Jim Kleefeld, a master at holding audiences’ attention, has produced another new program geared just for your Young Adults. Ohio Spirits is a 60-minute collection of stories and legends taken from non-fiction accounts of ghostly investigations and haunted happenings. Jim tells tales of spirits who supposedly haunt the Mansfield Reformatory, Franklin Castle, Concord Cemetery and more. Ohio Spirits is a presentation YAs and adults will love. Jim brings a collection of ghostly and unusual artifacts and will try to initiate contact with spirits. Teens will see strange artifacts, learn about spiritualist powers and hear stories of maddeningly scary events.

Does a wooden toy box hold the spirit of a young boy who died mysteriously?

Can a man return from the dead through a photograph?

Will an old woman ring a bell long after she has died?

Can people who have passed on leave messages for the living?

Ghostly Tales of Haunted Places - a fascinating look into legends of the spirit world in Ohio. Hear stories, see displays, investigate phenomena, discover books and research from locations well-documented as having a link with the dead. As always, Jim includes many references to the books, papers and online research he has used while investigating ghosts right here in Ohio.

How many strong, professional programs are there being offered to the Young Adults in schools and libraries? If you have searched hard, you may have found a couple. Most presenters do not cater to YAs because they do not know what YAs want to see or what they are interested in. Jim Kleefeld has the background in teaching and the experience in education and libraries to know. The Ohio Spirits program is ideal for teen audiences. It will not only attract them to literature but encourage them to use the library to find out more about topics which really appeal to them.

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About Jim Kleefeld's Programs

Like all of Jim's shows, each library program is a professionally scripted show, written with proper sequencing for high and low spots to provide the audience with lots of excitement and prevent their minds from wandering. Teens who are called on to assist are always rewarded and never embarrassed. Librarians and teachers always comment on how wonderfully Jim handles his audiences.

Jim Kleefeld's twenty-plus years of experience provide you with the reassurance that each program will be fun, entertaining and magical. Every year he performs at schools and libraries all over Ohio with a new specially-themed program. One after another, Jim's routines will keep teens enthralled and fascinated. As always, there is a lot of audience participation.

As always, Jim brings all of his own props and tables, has specially-tailored costuming and carries his wireless "anywhere" sound system. This is a program that can be performed in almost any location: auditoriums, classrooms, meeting rooms large or small, even outdoors. It can be adjusted to be suitable for groups of from 10 to 250. Jim's fee is very reasonable, he never charges extra for mileage, and gives a discount for multiple shows.

To arrange for a program, just click this card or phone Jim.

Email Jim Kleefeld

Jim Kleefeld
Magical Entertainer
33510 Jennie Road
Avon, Ohio 44011-2042
(440) 937-5488

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