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Jim Kleefeld's School Assembly Programs

Finally! School Assembly Programs presented by a Master Educator!

Jim Kleefeld offers 8 different school assembly programs about Character, Reading, History & more. Click on any program box to find out more about it. Downloadable Teacher's Guides with Learning Objectives are on each program page. Each assembly program is 45 minutes and geared toward elementary learning objectives. You Are the Star and The No Bully Zone promote good character with clear and specific messages about behaviors. Motivational reading programs teach about authors, books and concepts with each of the four programs focusing on a different type of reading or set of skills. The Magic of Ohio and The Lewis & Clark Magic Program offer fun ways to learn about history. Select a program below and click to find out more on its own page, including outlines, contents, descriptions and a concise one-page Teacher's Guide that will prepare students and teachers with the concepts, objectives, vocabulary and more.

Click on any program square to learn more.


Check out Jim's new Dr. Seuss program!

Here are four reasons why you'll be glad you hired Jim Kleefeld:

1. These are sound educational programs. Each assembly is carefully structured according to tested pedagogy to teach as well as entertain. With 30 years of teaching experience, Jim really knows how to get a lesson across.

2. Jim is completely self-contained.You won't need to provide a thing! Jim brings all of the tables, props and equipment he needs, including a sound system, microphone and backdrop curtain. He sets everything up and cleans up after the program.

3. The students will really pay attention.There are no dry lectures in Jim's programs. Because Jim presents funny and exciting routines with lots of audience participation, everybody - teachers and students - wants to listen.

4. Jim has excellent audience control. He was not only a master teacher and program supervisor, but also a author of several teacher textbooks on behavior management. During his education career, Jim taught university classes and presented numerous national and local workshops on behavior management.


To arrange for a program, just click this card or phone Jim.

Email Jim Kleefeld

Jim Kleefeld
Magical Entertainer
33510 Jennie Road
Avon, Ohio 44011-2042
(440) 937-5488

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