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A special school assembly program!!
Geared for all elementary grades!
Emphasis on Character-Building Traits!
Lots of audience participation!
Lots of comedy, music and surprise!
Suitable for any public, parochial or private school setting!
Easy to arrange - just email or phone 440-937-5488!

A 45-minute, fun-filled program, with lots of audience participation, that shows the many values of having good character traits. Children will marvel at the wonderful stories Jim presents in this heart-warming program. Using the Six Pillars of Character and tales about children, Jim weaves lessons about becoming a better person around fun activities. Students will learn about Fairness by playing a Cup-Stacking Race. They will discover Perseverance in looking for a lost ring. They will learn about Honesty from the tale of The Mother of All Diamonds, and learn how they can each become a "Star" by developing good character As in all of Jim's shows, there is a lot of comedy and a lot of audience participation.


Educational Overview

Routine 1 - Respect: A story about different dispositions is the framework for this routine in which objects change color to represent human emotions.

Routine 2 - Responsibility: After a borrowed ring becomes lost, a student must practice perseverance in order to recover her property.

Routine 3 - Trustworthiness: The value of honsety is the focal point of this story about a boy who tries to take something that isnšt his. He learns a lesson about being honest and the value of patience.

Routine 4 - Fairness: Jim challenges a student to a cup-stacking race in which fairness becomes an issue. This fun demonstration has a surprise ending with a lesson in playing fair.

Routine 5 - Caring: The tale of King Midas is recreated from a book filled with endless story artifacts as students see how caring for posessions more than people can be detrimental to everyone.

Routine 6 - Citizenship: A good citizen is someone who does their share and helps out in the community, as students find out in this routine about coming together.

Download a copy of the Teacher's Guide for this Program.

About the Program

One after another, Jim's routines will keep students and teachers fascinated. As always, there is a lot of comedy and a lot of audience participation to help students focus on and remember the objectives and educational content.

Like all of Jim's programs, this is a professionally scripted show, written with proper sequencing for high and low spots to provide children with lots of excitement but prevent them from becoming unruly. Children who are called on to assist are always rewarded and never embarrassed. Teachers and principals always comment on how wonderfully Jim handles children. In addition, Jim adds special humorous touches that just the adults will understand and enjoy.

As always, Jim brings all of his own props and tables, has specially-tailored costuming and carries his own backdrop and "anywhere" sound system. This is an act that can be performed in almost any location, large rooms or small, stage, auditorium, classroom or cafeteria. It can be adjusted to be suitable for groups of from 10 to 250. Schools with larger enrollments should have two programs. Splitting a full-range school into, say, one K-2 program and another for grades 3-5 allows Jim to customize the language, objectives and vocabulary to the different grade levels. When performing for Primary grades, Jim will make the program lighter, faster and more fun. When presenting the same program to Upper Elementary, Jim will use higher vocabulary, and focus more strongly on the objectives and cause and effect.


To arrange for a program, just click this card or phone Jim.

Email Jim Kleefeld

Jim Kleefeld
Magical Entertainer
33510 Jennie Road
Avon, Ohio 44011-2042
(440) 937-5488

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